Report Misconduct
dopa Entwicklungsgesellschaft für Oberflächenbearbeitungstechnologie mbH (dopa) is interested in mutually beneficial, long-term and open co-operation with its partners, customers and employees. If you become aware of actual or potential evidence of unlawful acts, violation of regulations, laws or internal policies by employees or representatives of dopa, self-dealing, insulting, threats or damage to you or your business on the part of employees and representatives of dopa, please report it:
You are not obliged to identify yourself when making a report, with all reports received handled in confidence by our Whistleblowing Central Function and where necessary, by investigation teams for appropriate action. Provision of an official response to the report is subject to the reporter providing full contact information about himself.
dopa guarantees that it will not allow any reprisals against persons who voluntarily informed about the impending or committed violation.